Yesterday, Saturday. My mom, sister and I were in a car accident. Thankfully no one was seriously injured. My mom and I went to the hospital via ambulance (sister rode in passenger seat of ambulance). My mom has a sore head from hitting window. I have a sore chest from where the seat belt dug into me. God protected and provided in a mighty way...it could have been sooo much worse. Good things: was not our fault and the guy that hit us had insurance and did not flee the scene. Ironically: I was supposed to be at work but was forced off (has to happen when hospital census too low). Now both car accidents I have been in - have been on extremely nice days-I always thinking of accidents during bad weather (but that is probably just it-people are more cautious on bad weather days). The image I selected for this blog is appropriate as the guy that hit us did not think it was his fault-but the cops knew it was clearly his fault.
So glad you are okay. Sunday was the day we traveled all day to O'ahu.
How is Hawaii and have you made it to Seattle?
I am home now; we got home yesterday, at 2 AM. Both Hawai'i and Seattle were great; it didn't rain at all in Seattle but was raining in Denver when we got back. Thanks for asking.
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