I have decided that I would like a Tiffany and Co Engagement Ring/Wedding Ring.
At this point I do not want a wedding, just a nice reception after the courthouse.
I took a break from my homework to look at Tiffany's website...I think i like the following...
Beautiful ring! Sounds nice, just a reception afterwards. No fuss.
So yeah I am down about being sick b/c I feel horrible. Today I felt a "9" out of "10" for being sick; it was horrible! Ryan went out and got me some TheraFlu that helped so much. I am also on my time of the months, so that didn't help. It's hard to be a mommy when you feel like you need to curl up into a ball and just sleep all day. At least the day is now over. My hubby is home, and my girls are in bed, sleeping.
that makes sense...especially since Maddie and Clara do not understand fully
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